Hello! My name is Larry Easley, and I am an astrologer, writer, and artist.


A creative since birth, I have spent most of my life cultivating different talents over the years in the hopes of channeling them into something that gives back to my community in a meaningful way. Divination, illustration, writing, fashion design, and creative direction are all tools that I utilize in my craft.

In 2020, during the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, I decided to take my astrological practice from just casual conversations with friends and co-workers to a full-fledged operation. More than ever before I had people reaching out to me with questions and expressing interest in the world of astrology - it felt like a natural next step.

Largely self-taught over a lifetime, I utilize the tropical Zodiac and traditional Whole Sign House system. At the heart of my work and consultations is the simple desire to help my clients and audience feel "seen”. Living in such crazy times, my hope is that my work will help validate & glorify our human experiences in this present moment and spark a little bit of hope and understanding in everyone I reach.

A proud Nashville native, I currently work and reside in New York City.